COVID 19 marriage

How Did COVID-19 Change the “Soulmate” Marriage Dream?

All throughout history, human beings have found ways to connect and fall in love. No matter the crisis, meeting your soulmate in the midst of it is the stuff of enduring novels and classic films. Is there any reason to think that has changed? Living here in a digital age of lockdowns, fake news, and artificial intelligence, has the soulmate marriage dream shifted? If so, has Covid-19 played a role in that shift?

Perhaps, the better question is: Can anything truly alter the human desire to meet a compatible partner and live happily ever after? It seems we’re about to find out.

What is the “Soulmate” Marriage Dream?

Here’s the catch (actually, the first of many): No two people would define the “Soulmate” Marriage Dream that same way. This reality should help you maintain confidence that current circumstances will not derail your chances. That aside, it could be quite useful to lay out some healthy perspectives on the soulmate trope. For example, and contrary to pop culture templates:

  • You do not need a soulmate to “complete” you.
  • The marriage dream is not one of 24/7 bliss. 
  • The marriage dream is not one of being inseparable. 
  • Love can be eternal, but compatibility is fluid and requires daily work.

In other words, don’t be so quick to a) align yourself with someone else’s vision of “soulmates” and b) blame Covid-19 if you’re having trouble meeting compatible dating partners. Of course, lockdowns and virus fears are less than ideal when it comes to meeting people. In addition, our increasingly digital world makes it less likely to randomly encounter a potential date in person. These factors must be considered and navigated. But… what if the events of the last two-plus years turn out to be good for our collective “Soulmate” Marriage Dreams?

So, How is COVID-19 Changing the “Soulmate” Marriage Dream?

Let’s consider some of the common factors related to dating in late 2022:

  • People often work from home, shop from home, and basically, get outside less.
  • Digital communication is far more common than face-to-face meet-ups.
  • Health-related fears have escalated, leaving many people hesitant to get together with strangers.
  • People are more divided and stratified—perhaps more than ever before. 

How can this blend of elements have a positive impact on your “Soulmate” Marriage Dream? Well, connecting with a life partner is rarely the love-at-first-sight bolt of lightning we’re conditioned to wish for. Taking your time to get to know each other is the time-proven path. It’s the closest thing we have to a secret formula.

So, how lucky are you? You live smack dab in the middle of an age when circumstances are pushing everyone to slow things down. If you meet someone on social media or a dating app, you probably don’t have much choice about how you interact. You chat and eventually switch to a phone call. If things go smoothly, before you know it, you’ll be video chatting.

You’re revealing more and more about yourselves long before there’s even a chance you’ll meet. By the time you’re talking in person, you’ve probably established some real trust and rapport. For people looking for more than a Tinder hook-up, this is pretty close to ideal. Can you say, “silver lining”?

Your “Soulmate” Marriage Dream Journey

None of the above is meant to downplay genuine concerns and anxiety over the world we live in. That’s why so many folks commit to therapy as a way to explore their romantic patterns and intentions before they move forward. If this path appeals to you, reach out to Integrative Psychotherapy Group for a free consultation.