• Strategies for Overcoming Depression Without Medication

    Strategies for Overcoming Depression Without Medication

    Depression can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. While professional treatment is often necessary, you can also take proactive steps to improve your mental health and well-being. By incorporating evidence-based lifestyle changes and coping strategies in your routine, you may find relief from depressive symptoms and regain a sense of control.…

  • Healing After Heartbreak: Navigating Divorce and Separation

    Healing After Heartbreak: Navigating Divorce and Separation

    No one gets married thinking they’re going to eventually get divorced. Unfortunately, it happens far too often. In fact, according to the APA, 40–50% of first marriages end in divorce.  When you’re going through a divorce or things were recently finalized, it can feel overwhelming. It’s an emotional rollercoaster that…

  • Stress or Anxiety? Understanding the Difference

    Stress or Anxiety? Understanding the Difference

    Stress and anxiety are closely linked, as chronic stress can lead to the development of anxiety disorders. While they share some similarities, important distinctions between these conditions impact how we cope with and manage them. Understanding the nuances between these two states is important in addressing them properly and seeking appropriate…

  • Strategies for Healing from Hyper-Critical Parenting

    Strategies for Healing from Hyper-Critical Parenting

    In a perfect world, every parent would serve as a source of support for their children. Parents would celebrate their child’s wins and losses equally. They would praise, offer advice and encouragement, and let their children know that they love them no matter what. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.…

  • What Is an Expectation Bias?

    What Is an Expectation Bias?

    The concept of expectation bias has many different connotations in different settings. When it comes to its use as a psychological term, it highlights a cognitive bias. What we expect or believe in advance about a given scenario or situation has the power to influence the outcome. In fact, expectation…

  • Setting Boundaries: How Limits Can Aid in Emotional Balance

    Setting Boundaries: How Limits Can Aid in Emotional Balance

    Boundaries are guidelines, rules, or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe, and permissible ways for others to behave towards them. They also define how one will respond when someone pushes those limits. Boundaries can be physical, emotional, mental, or even digital. They are one of the most…

  • Escaping the Trauma of Being Gaslighted Constantly

    Escaping the Trauma of Being Gaslighted Constantly

    Make no mistake — gaslighting is a form of abuse. It’s experiencing manipulation from someone who tries to distort your perception of reality. It often happens in close relationships, by someone you should be able to trust.  Someone who constantly gaslights you might make you feel like you’re always wrong.…

  • Effective Ways to Combat Self-Criticism

    Effective Ways to Combat Self-Criticism

    You’re certainly familiar with the concept of being one’s “own worst enemy.” The source of this issue lies in the negative self-talk so many of us engage in. You know, the voice in your head that so often judges, shames, and doubts your efforts. Sure, it’s important that we honestly…

  • How To Stay Calm During a Temper Tantrum and Help Your Child at The Same Time

    How To Stay Calm During a Temper Tantrum and Help Your Child at The Same Time

    There’s not much, if anything, about a tantrum that is pleasant or comfortable. They can easily send you into a panic, especially when others are around. Children are very keen on picking up body language and emotions of those around them. When they notice panic, that may actually cause the…

  • Hyper-Independence: Is It a Trauma Response?

    Hyper-Independence: Is It a Trauma Response?

    Do you avoid turning to others when you need help or support? Do you think you can handle everything on your own? Are you extremely self-reliant, even if it causes you to feel exhausted and burned out most of the time?  If you’re able to answer “yes” to all of…

  • Navigating Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in Romantic Partnerships

    Navigating Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in Romantic Partnerships

    While rejection can be difficult in any relationship, it can be extreme and overwhelming to someone with rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD).  RSD is an emotional response that can transform even the slightest bit of criticism into something intense. In fact, rejection and criticism don’t even really need to take place…

  • Secure vs. Insecure: Understanding Different Attachment Styles

    Secure vs. Insecure: Understanding Different Attachment Styles

    Are you facing the same blunders in relationship after relationship? It could be your attachment style at play. Attachment theory came about in the 1950s with research linking our attachment to our caregivers during intimacy to how we connect with partners later in life. Maybe it’s not them, maybe it’s…

  • 7 Psychological Strategies to Motivate Employees Who Work from Home

    7 Psychological Strategies to Motivate Employees Who Work from Home

    The COVID-19 pandemic created a shift in the way so many people work. Even with parts of the country “re-opening,” there are many individuals still working from home. Some businesses have even made a full-time switch with some of their employees, allowing them to keep working remotely.  While there have…

  • How Does Homophobia Harm Relationships?

    How Does Homophobia Harm Relationships?

    Even in the 21st century, homophobia remains a big problem across the country — and the globe. The biases against homophobic relationships can create deep hurt and can cause the cycle of homophobia to continue for generations to come.  Beyond that, homophobia harms relationships. If you’re in the LGBTQIA+ community…

  • Why It’s Important to Know Your Partner’s Love Language

    Why It’s Important to Know Your Partner’s Love Language

    In order to keep our partners happy, we often express affection for them. This could be through kind words and compliments, or by doing things to demonstrate that you love them.  You could be bestowing gifts upon your loved one, or offering to do things for them to show them…

  • What Is a Fantasy Bond and Is It Harmful?

    What Is a Fantasy Bond and Is It Harmful?

    Does your relationship feel a little stagnant? Like you’re just going through the motions, day after day? Did it start after a moment of real, meaningful connection of love and commitment? One day, you’re starting something truly meaningful together, and the next, it all starts to take a backseat, to…

  • Not Knowing Everything About Your Therapist Is a Good Thing—Here’s Why

    Not Knowing Everything About Your Therapist Is a Good Thing—Here’s Why

    Finding the right therapist to fit your needs can often feel like a daunting task. Thanks to the Internet, you can spend days doing research about different options in your area or choosing to go the telehealth route.  Some research can be helpful. Finding a therapist that feels like a…

  • How Common Myths About Love Create Unrealistic Expectations

    How Common Myths About Love Create Unrealistic Expectations

    Who doesn’t want a fairytale romance or a Hallmark happy ending? While it’s nice to fantasize about the “perfection” of love, most of us realize those things don’t exist in real life. Unfortunately, there are some common myths about love that can also create unrealistic expectations.  Whether it’s an old…

  • 4 Tips to Overcome Task Paralysis

    4 Tips to Overcome Task Paralysis

    Most people deal with a lack of productivity from time to time. You’re not always going to feel motivated to work, or to tackle certain jobs or projects.  But there’s a difference between being unproductive once in a while and dealing with task paralysis.  Task paralysis is the inability to…

  • How to Have an Honest Conversation with Your Partner If You Think They Are Making Parenting Mistakes

    How to Have an Honest Conversation with Your Partner If You Think They Are Making Parenting Mistakes

    Do you find that your partner parents your children in a different way than you do? Are some of those differences things you consider mistakes? Do you want your partner to change the way they parent, but you’re not sure how to talk to them about it? Not everyone has…

  • Three Common Challenges Faced in Friendships with Wealth Disparities

    Three Common Challenges Faced in Friendships with Wealth Disparities

    Adult friendships aren’t always as easy to keep as they were when you were a kid. We all face different challenges in our adult lives and come from different backgrounds. Things that might not have mattered as children can suddenly feel like a giant elephant in the room when you’re…

  • Bad Dreams? Stress and Anxiety May Be the Cause

    Bad Dreams? Stress and Anxiety May Be the Cause

    We all get bad dreams from time to time. Sometimes that happens because we’ve watched too many scary movies or from an overactive imagination. With that said, frequent bad dreams can also be caused by external stressors within our lives and can be a symptom of anxiety.  This week, we take…

  • Can Working from Home Lead to Depression?

    Can Working from Home Lead to Depression?

    Working from home can be a difficult transition to make. We’re not quite used to being by ourselves for hours of the day or working on tasks with no interaction or conversation with anyone else. In most working environments, you have colleagues, supervisors, or managers to offer guidance and support,…

  • What is the Difference Between Depression and Burnout?

    What is the Difference Between Depression and Burnout?

    Burnout and depression can manifest in similar ways. However, each has its own distinct characteristics. This means that treatment for each of these conditions differs in crucial ways. If you worry you might be suffering from depression, burnout, or both, read more to learn how they’re both different and similar. …

  • Friendships, Codependency and How To Break the Toxic Cycle

    Friendships, Codependency and How To Break the Toxic Cycle

    Lending money to a friend. Saying “yes” to something even though you wanted to say “no.” Putting your partner’s needs above your own. These may all seem like amazing qualities of someone who is a great and supportive friend. But what if I told you these qualities can signify a…

  • Mourning Our Bygone Lives: How to Cope with Severe Changes

    Mourning Our Bygone Lives: How to Cope with Severe Changes

    The COVID-19 pandemic has left millions of people trying to figure out how to pay their bills without a steady income. While unemployment benefits may help you stay on your feet for a little while, this is not a long-term plan. It can be difficult to accept that you may…

  • Tips For Coping With An Emotionally Invalidating Partner Post date

    Tips For Coping With An Emotionally Invalidating Partner Post date

    Emotions demand to be felt. You can choose how you respond to certain emotions or the actions you take because of them. But you can’t always control how you feel.  So, when you’re with a partner who invalidates your emotions, it can be crushing and overwhelming at the same time.…

  • What To Discuss Before Moving In Together

    What To Discuss Before Moving In Together

    Moving in with your partner is a big step in your relationship. You might be excited to finally share a space with your partner. But at the same time, you may be a bit nervous for all of the changes moving in together will entail. There are several important issues…

  • Effective Ways to Boost Your Distress Tolerance

    Effective Ways to Boost Your Distress Tolerance

    Experiencing, managing, and navigating emotional distress can be challenging to deal with, especially during times of crisis. Stressful situations can make us feel so helpless and out of control. This is why it is important to increase distress tolerance skills. What exactly is distress tolerance? A person can effectively manage…

  • Signs and Signals It Might Be Time to Seek Couples Counseling

    Signs and Signals It Might Be Time to Seek Couples Counseling

    Signs and Signals It Might Be Time to Seek Couples Counseling

  • From Financial Stress to Wellness: Steps Towards a Healthier Money Mindset

    From Financial Stress to Wellness: Steps Towards a Healthier Money Mindset

    Financial stress has a way of permeating various aspects of our well-being, affecting not only our bank accounts but also our mental and emotional states.

  • Is Stress Ever Good for You?

    Is Stress Ever Good for You?

    Is Stress Ever Good for You?

  • Do Distraction Techniques for Anxiety Really Work?

    Do Distraction Techniques for Anxiety Really Work?

    Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue on the planet. They impact humans of all ages, ethnicities, races, and more.

  • How to Successfully Cope with a Difference in Libido as a Couple

    How to Successfully Cope with a Difference in Libido as a Couple

    Sex might not be the most important thing in a romantic relationship, but for many, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to leave it off the table completely. Couples who share that kind of physical intimacy are often better at communicating and being vulnerable with each other. But that only works…

  • Leor Ram Featured In BizBash: The Psychology of Corporate Gifting: A Deep Dive Into Swag Ahead of Giving Tuesday

    Leor Ram Featured In BizBash: The Psychology of Corporate Gifting: A Deep Dive Into Swag Ahead of Giving Tuesday

    Whether you call it corporate gifting, swag, or merch, everyone knows holiday handouts can be a flop—or an effective way to spread brand awareness along with some holiday cheer. Here, an array of psychology and event experts tell you why. Shannon Thaler | BizBash Giving Tuesday and the holiday season…

  • Changing Careers Mid-Life: Tips for Success

    Changing Careers Mid-Life: Tips for Success

    Changing careers can be scary at any age, let alone once you’ve reached a mid-life stage. You’re removed from that “entry level” stage and probably have life responsibilities that make it challenging to fully start over.  Age shouldn’t be a reason, however, not to change your path if your current…

  • What To Discuss Before Moving In Together

    What To Discuss Before Moving In Together

    Moving in with your partner is a big step in your relationship. You might be excited to finally share a space with your partner. But at the same time, you may be a bit nervous for all of the changes moving in together will entail. There are several important issues…

  • Meet Leor Ram | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Certified Group Psychotherapist

    Meet Leor Ram | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Certified Group Psychotherapist

    We had the good fortune of connecting with Leor Ram, LMFT, LPCC, NCC, CGP and we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi Leor, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?I come from a family of entrepreneurs so, at some level, I think I always knew I’d end up…

  • Canvas Rebel – In Conversation with Leor Ram

    Canvas Rebel – In Conversation with Leor Ram

    We were lucky to catch up with Leor Ram recently and have shared our conversation below. Leor, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. We’d love to hear about the best advice you’ve ever given to a client? (Please note this response is for education/entertainment purposes only and…

  • Channeling Your Inner Child: The Importance of Play, Even for Adults

    Channeling Your Inner Child: The Importance of Play, Even for Adults

    Have you ever watched a young child at play? Before they’re introduced to video games or organized sports, they choose a more natural approach. Unregulated, virtually no rules, and spontaneous — their imaginations reign, and time becomes a non-factor. Who among us can still relate to this approach? Well, if…

  • 5 Smart Strategies to Make Working at Home Work for You

    5 Smart Strategies to Make Working at Home Work for You

    Working from home was a trend slowly on the rise. Enter COVID-19 and suddenly, it’s the norm.  The luxury of a slow, smooth transition is out the window. Everyone is learning as they go — with mixed results. Thanks to incredible technological advances, working at home has never been easier.…

  • ShoutoutLA Magazine: Meet Leor Ram | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Certified Group Psychotherapist

    ShoutoutLA Magazine: Meet Leor Ram | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Certified Group Psychotherapist

    July 8, 2022 We had the good fortune of connecting with Leor Ram, LMFT, LPCC, NCC, CGP and we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi Leor, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?I come from a family of entrepreneurs so, at some level, I think I always knew…

  • What to Do If Stonewalling Is Happening in Your Marriage

    What to Do If Stonewalling Is Happening in Your Marriage

    We can’t deny that marriage is difficult at times. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Even when you love each other deeply, you have to really put the time in to make things work.  You may argue or bicker more over time, which can be normal. It’s how you deal…

  • What is the Difference Between Depression and Burnout?

    What is the Difference Between Depression and Burnout?

    Burnout and depression can manifest in similar ways. However, each has its own distinct characteristics. This means that treatment for each of these conditions differs in crucial ways. If you worry you might be suffering from depression, burnout, or both, read more to learn how they’re both different and similar. …

  • Things to Keep in Mind When Meeting Someone Online 

    Things to Keep in Mind When Meeting Someone Online 

    We’re living in a digital world. It’s easier to meet and connect with people than ever before. Whether you’re looking for friendship or something more, meeting someone new is just a click (or tap, or swipe) away.  In theory, it’s exciting. You never know who you might connect with, whether…

  • Why Performative Allyship is Harmful and How to Actually Support the LGBTQIA+ Community

    Why Performative Allyship is Harmful and How to Actually Support the LGBTQIA+ Community

    Performative allyship in the LGBTQIA+ community isn’t necessarily new. However, it’s gained more attention lately as people are starting to recognize how everyone from big brands to individuals can end up doing more harm than good.  This type of allyship occurs when people with any type of privilege claim solidarity…

  • In a Sexless Marriage? Here’s What You Can Do to Remedy It

    In a Sexless Marriage? Here’s What You Can Do to Remedy It

    Sex isn’t everything in a marriage, no matter how much society wants you to believe it is. However, it’s an important part of your committed relationship. If you’re having trouble with your sex life, it could be a sign of something deeper going on.  Usually, a sexless marriage is less…

  • What Factors Can Cause Depression?

    What Factors Can Cause Depression?

    Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. It’s characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in daily activities. Major depression can ultimately disrupt a person’s normal routine and functioning. It can also affect a person’s relationships, as well as their professional and social…

  • Why Parents Should Be Aware of Validation Addiction in Children

    Why Parents Should Be Aware of Validation Addiction in Children

    Everyone wants positive feedback from other people. We’re living in a social media society where “likes” and positive comments can make you feel validated in an instant.  Unfortunately, our children are growing up in this world, where that kind of need for validation is everywhere. It’s all they will ever…

  • Conflict Addict? What To Do If All You Ever Are Is Angry?  

    Conflict Addict? What To Do If All You Ever Are Is Angry?  

    Does it seem you are constantly in the center of drama, or difficult situations? Do chaos and conflict seem to just follow you? Are buttons constantly pushed, tempers rising, and nerves snapping when you’re around? It might not be a curse or coincidence. You may be addicted to conflict and…

  • Key Self-Reflection Skills to Help You Assess Your Own Behavior

    Key Self-Reflection Skills to Help You Assess Your Own Behavior

    Self-reflection is key for analyzing your life accurately. It sounds simple, but that doesn’t make it natural. Self-reflection is frequently compared to looking into a mirror: you are looking at yourself and observing how you respond to certain situations. The inward self-examination helps determine what makes you truly happy, what…

  • Why Do I Crave Connection with My Ex When I’m Lonely?

    Why Do I Crave Connection with My Ex When I’m Lonely?

    Loneliness can be a big problem for some people. When you’re by yourself and “stuck” with your own thoughts, it’s easy to start feeling down, and even easier to let your thoughts run wild so you start focusing on things that aren’t true.  Feeling lonely can also make you feel…

  • How Did COVID-19 Change the “Soulmate” Marriage Dream?

    How Did COVID-19 Change the “Soulmate” Marriage Dream?

    All throughout history, human beings have found ways to connect and fall in love. No matter the crisis, meeting your soulmate in the midst of it is the stuff of enduring novels and classic films. Is there any reason to think that has changed? Living here in a digital age…

  • Coping with Grief: How You Can Support Yourself During a Difficult Time

    Coping with Grief: How You Can Support Yourself During a Difficult Time

    Everyone goes through periods of grief in life. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or even “losing” a sense of normalcy, it’s something we all have to face.  The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an influx of grief in our society, causing a variety…

  • VOYAGELA Magazine: Inspiring Conversations with Leor Ram, LMFT, LPCC, NCC, CGP of Integrative Psychotherapy Group

    VOYAGELA Magazine: Inspiring Conversations with Leor Ram, LMFT, LPCC, NCC, CGP of Integrative Psychotherapy Group

    Today we’d like to introduce you to Leor Ram, LMFT, LPCC, NCC, CGP. Hi Leor, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story? My story with psychotherapy began with my own therapeutic work during a tough time in my life. I was…

  • What You Need to Know About the Psychology of New Year’s Resolutions

    What You Need to Know About the Psychology of New Year’s Resolutions

    The new year is finally here, and for many people, that means setting goals and making resolutions.  Unfortunately, multiple studies have shown that resolutions made at the start of the year rarely last. Most end up failing within the first few months.  That doesn’t mean people who set New Year’s…

  • Complex Trauma: How You Can Compassionately Support a Loved One’s Recovery 

    Complex Trauma: How You Can Compassionately Support a Loved One’s Recovery 

    If a loved one has opened up to you about trauma in their life, it is natural to want to ease their suffering.  People who have experienced complex trauma (also known as Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or C-PTSD) can have severe symptoms They may feel like no one understands…

  • What is Social Problem-Solving and Why Is it Important?

    What is Social Problem-Solving and Why Is it Important?

    We all face social problems. You can be a well-adjusted person and, without fail, you will still come across situations that seem problematic or challenging. The neighbor above plays loud music late into the evening, keeping you awake. The boss requests you to take on a project in which you have…

  • How Family Thanksgiving Gatherings May Cause Regression in Your Mental Health

    How Family Thanksgiving Gatherings May Cause Regression in Your Mental Health

    Thanksgiving will be here soon, and for many people, that means getting together with extended family.  While large family get-togethers can be fun and exciting, they aren’t always easy. That’s especially true if you have conflict within your family, or if certain members tend to trigger mental health issues like…

  • Defining and Recognizing Signs of Pandemic Flux Syndrome

    Defining and Recognizing Signs of Pandemic Flux Syndrome

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge part of our lives for nearly two years. It’s impacted people in different ways. Some have experienced illness and personal losses. Others have had to modify their careers or lifestyles.  No matter how the pandemic has affected you, there’s one thing that almost…

  • Do I Have Social Anxiety? How to Tell and What to Do About It

    Do I Have Social Anxiety? How to Tell and What to Do About It

    Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world. One reason it’s so prevalent is that there are many types of anxiety people can deal with.  While Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is the most common, social anxiety isn’t far behind.  Social anxiety is so much more…

  • Is It Normal to Desire Others Even When You’re Happily Married

    Is It Normal to Desire Others Even When You’re Happily Married

    There’s a reason the first few weeks after getting married are called “the honeymoon phase.” No matter how long you’ve been with someone, the act of marriage can reignite a spark and make you feel like you’re on cloud nine with your partner.  But, the honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. …

  • Not Knowing Everything About Your Therapist Is a Good Thing—Here’s Why

    Not Knowing Everything About Your Therapist Is a Good Thing—Here’s Why

    Finding the right therapist to fit your needs can often feel like a daunting task. Thanks to the Internet, you can spend days doing research about different options in your area or choosing to go the telehealth route.  Some research can be helpful. Finding a therapist that feels like a…

  • The Impact of Social Justice Movements on Our Emotional Health

    The Impact of Social Justice Movements on Our Emotional Health

    Social justice movements are nothing new. From the memorable marches in the 60s and 70s to environmental activism that has been a building cause for years, it’s not uncommon for groups of people to get largely fired up about issues that matter to them.  Recently, the Black Lives Matter movement…

  • Tips for Interviewing for a Job When You Have ADHD

    Tips for Interviewing for a Job When You Have ADHD

    When you have ADHD, interviewing for jobs can be extra anxiety-inducing. You worry about hiding your neurodivergent social behaviors and appearing as the capable employee you are. Unfortunately, lack of eye contact, fidgeting, forgetfulness, and seemingly off-track comments—all symptoms of ADHD—are often frowned upon in traditional interview settings. You know…

  • How Dating Apps Have Influenced Modern Dating

    How Dating Apps Have Influenced Modern Dating

    Modern dating can be tricky. It’s quite unique, too. Instead of meeting and talking to someone in person, we can now meet people online. No longer are we limited to using landlines to call and hope someone picks up. We can send selfies and video chat.  Dating now is about…

  • 4 Strategies for Dealing with Panic Attacks Without Medication

    4 Strategies for Dealing with Panic Attacks Without Medication

    It seems as if the medical community primarily recommends taking medication for dealing with panic attacks. After all, it appears to be the easiest way to address the problem. All you have to do is take a pill and everything will be solved, right? Well, that isn’t always the case.…

  • Psychedelics and Trauma Therapy: How They Work Together

    Psychedelics and Trauma Therapy: How They Work Together

    Psychedelic medicines have been somewhat slow to enter mainstream therapeutic solutions, mostly because of stigmas surrounding them. Thankfully, that is changing as more psychotherapy options are becoming open to using them as a helpful medium.  When used correctly and in a controlled setting, psychedelics can have an extremely positive impact…

  • Double Standards in Infidelity: What Does It Look Like?

    Double Standards in Infidelity: What Does It Look Like?

    Double standards seem to be present everywhere. We hear about them in sports, business, and most societal norms, in general. Yet, it might surprise you to learn about the psychology of sexual double standards, particularly when it comes to infidelity.  Most people are well aware that men and women often…

  • Here’s How Your Body Stores Trauma

    Here’s How Your Body Stores Trauma

    Most people understand that trauma affects the brain. As a result, you might experience symptoms of trauma for years to come. They can include flashbacks, feelings of anxiety, or even depression.  But trauma can impact more than just your mental state. In many cases, the body stores trauma.  Specifically, it…

  • What is the Role of Avoidance in Anxiety and Why Can It Be Problematic?

    What is the Role of Avoidance in Anxiety and Why Can It Be Problematic?

    For some, anxiety is a sense of nervousness or tenseness that is uncomfortable, but manageable. They’re able to still face the thing causing those feelings. However, some also feel anxiety much deeper. So much so that they begin to avoid the thing causing their anxiety. At surface level, it’s easy…

  • What Happens When Your Therapist is Away? Navigating This Time Apart

    What Happens When Your Therapist is Away? Navigating This Time Apart

    Therapists are just people. They go through struggles, have family issues, and need a break just like everyone else.  But, when you’re going through a difficult time or look forward to your sessions to get you through the week, it’s hard to think of your therapist as having “their own…

  • Workplace Success: How Can You Help Your Employees Take Responsibility for Their Work?

    Workplace Success: How Can You Help Your Employees Take Responsibility for Their Work?

    When you become the boss at your workplace, you realize that there was so much more to running a business than you assumed when you were an employee. Now, you’ve got to handle your workload and manage your employees at the same time. Being a good boss or manager goes…

  • Managing Depression: 5 Small Changes That Contribute to More Comfort and Peace

    Managing Depression: 5 Small Changes That Contribute to More Comfort and Peace

    Trying to manage our depression symptoms can feel like an uphill battle with no relief. At a time when we already feel alone, we tend to isolate ourselves from loved ones and friends. With the recent pandemic, it is no surprise that more people are dealing with symptoms of depression.…

  • Baffled by Big City Dating? – Here’s Why You Might Want a Dating Coach

    Baffled by Big City Dating? – Here’s Why You Might Want a Dating Coach

    Dating, in and of itself, is a big thing. Big city dating, on the other hand, is a whole other thing. Everything moves at a different pace in large urban settings. Trying to find love in such an environment requires a unique blend of commitment and preparation. People in big…

  • Happy Couples Get Counseling Too: 5 Reasons Why

    Happy Couples Get Counseling Too: 5 Reasons Why

    When you hear the term “couple counseling,” you may think of an unhappy couple. Our society has taught us that only unhappy couples or those on the verge of a break-up need counseling. Because of this association, many couples may avoid counseling, so they can also avoid being that “unhappy”…

  • Why Fad Diets Don’t Always Work: The Truth Behind The Appeal

    Why Fad Diets Don’t Always Work: The Truth Behind The Appeal

    When you hear the words “fad diet,” what comes to mind?  You might have your own definition, but you can probably also think of several common fad diets that have been popular over the years. From South Beach to Atkins and from Keto to Paleo, trying to keep track of…

  • Are These “Four Horsemen” Trampling Your Relationship?

    Are These “Four Horsemen” Trampling Your Relationship?

    When you hear the phrase “four horsemen,” you may think of the biblical horsemen of the apocalypse. In the story, four different horses symbolize the end of times by bringing about war, famine, a plague, and conquest.  As it turns out, this metaphor holds up while talking about relationships, too.…

  • Is Your Partner Narcissistic or Really Self-Confident? How to Tell the Difference

    Is Your Partner Narcissistic or Really Self-Confident? How to Tell the Difference

    One of the great things about the internet is having all this information at your fingertips. One of the worst things about the internet is having all this information at your fingertips. We now seem to have more collective knowledge of psychology than ever before. But fake news is real.…

  • Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Your Children

    Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Your Children

    No two parents raise their children the same way. But most fall within a few specific types of “parenting styles” that are easier to predict and understand. No matter what your style might be, it’s important to recognize how it might affect your children.  With summer fast approaching, recognizing your…

  • 3 Ways Reentering a Post-Pandemic World Affects Our Minds

    3 Ways Reentering a Post-Pandemic World Affects Our Minds

    The COVID-19 pandemic has taken over our lives for over a year. That’s a year of getting used to things like lockdowns, quarantines, mask-wearing, and social distancing.  Now, thanks to the mass vaccine rollout, the pandemic appears to be waning in the United States. Some states are reopening faster than…

  • Recovering From Pandemic Anxiety: Why It May Not Have Just Magically Disappeared with the Vaccine

    Recovering From Pandemic Anxiety: Why It May Not Have Just Magically Disappeared with the Vaccine

    The COVID-19 pandemic has officially been changing our lives for over a year. While restrictions are easing and the United States is seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, not everything about the pandemic is just going to magically go away overnight.  One major issue stemming from the…

  • 5 Things We Collectively Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic

    5 Things We Collectively Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic still lingers, but there’s a light emerging at the end of the tunnel. Life is slowly returning to some sense of normalcy here in the United States. Though it might take more time to get completely back to normal, we’re at a stage where we can look…

  • How Sibling Birth Order Influences Personality Development

    How Sibling Birth Order Influences Personality Development

    There are plenty of stereotypes surrounding birth order. Many people believe the oldest sibling is the wisest or the natural “leader,” middle children tend to get “overlooked,” and the youngest might be “spoiled.”  While these stereotypes have been around for decades, there is some truth to how birth order can…

  • The Psychology Behind Why We Make Irrational Decisions

    The Psychology Behind Why We Make Irrational Decisions

    Have you ever made an irrational decision? You might laugh as you think about it, because everyone has at least once in their life. At the time, you might have thought it was the right or best decision, even if there was no “scientific” or statistical basis for it.  Sometimes,…

  • Out of Control: Tips for Coping with Family Members’ Decisions and Actions

    Out of Control: Tips for Coping with Family Members’ Decisions and Actions

    There are plenty of old stereotypes about “dysfunctional” families. While every family is unique thanks to individual personalities, that sometimes gets out of hand.  If you feel like some family members are out of control, it’s not necessarily up to you to change them. In some cases, you simply can’t…

  • How Family Patterns Connect with the Psychology of Narcissism

    How Family Patterns Connect with the Psychology of Narcissism

    Families pass down a variety of traits; some are good, some are bad. But there are some patterns and characteristics that are passed down through generations that you may not even realize.  That includes narcissism.  When two narcissistic parents have children, it can create an interesting family dynamic. The child…

  • The Psychology of Exclusivity: How Limited Access and Exclusive Membership Affects Your Mindset

    The Psychology of Exclusivity: How Limited Access and Exclusive Membership Affects Your Mindset

    Everyone wants to feel like they’re a part of something. From childhood, not being invited to a party or being excluded from certain clubs or groups is hurtful.  That doesn’t go away as an adult.  Times have changed, of course. You might not be involved in things like invite-only apps,…

  • Here’s What You Need to Know About How Binge Drinking Affects Your Health This St. Patrick’s Day

    Here’s What You Need to Know About How Binge Drinking Affects Your Health This St. Patrick’s Day

    St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. While things still might be a bit different this year thanks to COVID-19, there will undoubtedly be celebrations across the country (and the world). In fact, people might find excuses to celebrate even more this year after getting through a rough 2020. …

  • The Paradox of Choice: How Too Many Options Causes Decision Paralysis

    The Paradox of Choice: How Too Many Options Causes Decision Paralysis

    Having options can be a good thing. It allows you to maintain some control in a situation. It also means you can choose the option that works best for you in any given scenario.  But the power of choice can quickly turn into the paradox of choice when you’re given…

  • How to Access Your Own Sexual Drives Instead of Relying on Your Partner

    How to Access Your Own Sexual Drives Instead of Relying on Your Partner

    When you’re in a sexual relationship, it’s easy to assume that it’s your partner’s job to “turn you on” or to tap into your sexual desires.  But that isn’t always the case. Even if you have strong intimacy and good communication with your partner, you might feel as though they aren’t giving…

  • Measuring Happiness: What It Used to Look Like, What It Looks Like Now, and How to Do It Accurately

    Measuring Happiness: What It Used to Look Like, What It Looks Like Now, and How to Do It Accurately

    On paper, it seems impossible to measure happiness. Every individual has their own scale, of course. What makes you happy might not be the same for someone else.  But what we can do is look at ways the measure of happiness has changed over the years.  What made most people…

  • Your Brain on Love: What Happens Chemically and Psychologically When We Fall in Love

    Your Brain on Love: What Happens Chemically and Psychologically When We Fall in Love

    It’s that time of year when everyone is focusing on love, and what it feels like to be in love. But it’s more than just hearts, candy, and flowers. And it’s certainly more than those “butterflies” in your stomach.  Love is a real, scientific, psychological thing. It causes active changes…

  • Sex-Positivity: What It Means and How to Achieve It

    Sex-Positivity: What It Means and How to Achieve It

    It may be the 21st century, but we still live in a culture where sex-shaming is far too prevalent. In order to combat sex-shaming, more people need to shift their focus and open up to sex positivity.  What does that mean?  Sex positivity, at its core, is the idea that…

  • What Do My Dreams Mean? Different Perspectives on Interpreting Them

    What Do My Dreams Mean? Different Perspectives on Interpreting Them

    Do you ever wake up from a dream and wonder what it was really about? Many times, people don’t remember their dreams. So, being able to actually remember the details of one can make it really stand out in your mind.  Sometimes, dreams are more realistic, like watching a scene…

  • The Serious Effects of Long-Term Bullying

    The Serious Effects of Long-Term Bullying

    Bullying is a serious issue that plagues hundreds of thousands of individuals every single day. We most often associated bullying as happening to young children at school—and this is very accurate. However, bullying can happen to any person, of any age, at any time. We also tend to have the…

  • Social Anxiety and Shyness: 3 Powerful Strategies to Overcome Your Misery

    Social Anxiety and Shyness: 3 Powerful Strategies to Overcome Your Misery

    While there are differences between social anxiety and shyness, you can use the same strategies to overcome both of them. It’s hard being uncomfortable socializing, no matter your place on the spectrum of social discomfort. Perhaps you break into a full sweat and experience stomach distress before going out. Maybe…

  • Am I Having a Midlife Crisis? How to Identify the Signs and Address Them

    Am I Having a Midlife Crisis? How to Identify the Signs and Address Them

    The idea of a midlife crisis has been somewhat stereotyped over the years. It is depicted in extremes in television and movies. As a result, many people see it as something comical.  In reality, a midlife crisis can be a very real thing. And, depending on how you address it,…

  • Why Successful Dating Begins with You (Not Others)

    Why Successful Dating Begins with You (Not Others)

    If you’re like millions of other singles, you may dream about finding the perfect romantic partner. You watch couples in public with a tinge of envy, wishing you had someone to hold hands and flirt with. Maybe you develop crushes quickly, even if there’s little interaction or sign of mutual…

  • How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Work Effectively for You

    How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Work Effectively for You

    It seems like every year, people make New Year’s resolutions and have the best of intentions to follow through. Unfortunately, most of those resolutions fall through the cracks – many within just several weeks.  While some standard resolutions always seem to be about getting healthy, losing weight, or making better…